
Volunteers needed!

Can you help? One day a month or more would be very welcome!


We need support running our weekly power wheelchair soccer program and our two times monthly volt power wheelchair hockey program Saturdays from 12:30 PM till 3:30 PM at the BCFY Tobin Community Center, 1481 Tremont St., Roxbury 02120. Volunteers help set up wheelchairs with adaptive equipment, set up the indoor basketball court for the activities, referee and assist in practices/scrimmages and then help break down the event.

PDF version of the Volunteer Manual

Boston Self Help Center Volunteer & New Player Manual

This manual was created by Jadyn Koss <koss.j@northeastern.edu> and Daniela Buchbinder <buchbinder.d@northeastern.edu> as part 0f their capstone project at Northeastern University. If you would like to use/modify the manual for your team, please give credit to the authors and send an email to info@Bostonselfhelpcenter.org

Volunteer Manual

Court Setup Information for Volunteers