Adaptive Sports

Adaptive Sports Guide
Feel free to link to, share sections or reference this but please notify us at,, so that we can track its use. Please also give credit to Jessica Bowen the author:

THE BASICS OF POWER SOCCER : 2 page document highlighting Power Soccer rules, basic play and some strategy.

Volt Hockey, played in power wheelchairs in Europe and Canada, came for the first time to the United States with chairs to Boston on November 8, 2021. There are very few sports that allow individuals with disabilities with both upper and lower body mobility impairments to compete. Volt Hockey, being brought by the nonprofit Boston Self Help Center, is expected to excite and encourage individuals with disabilities to play this indoor, 4 on 4, street hockey like game. Expectations are high that this will then spread across New England and the United States as did a similar sport that the nonprofit sponsors, power wheelchair soccer.

Nice short introductory video on Volt Hockey:

We are currently going over the results of a recent survey we did exploring individuals with disabilities interest in adaptive sports and recreation in the greater Boston area. Once we get these results, we will share them with you and let you know what additional sports we would like to introduce to the community. We have also applied for a grant to do three adaptive sports and recreation demonstrations in underrepresented Boston area neighborhoods.

For now, here are some resources we would like to share with you if you are interested in exploring adaptive sports:

Adaptive recreation programs in Massachusetts state parks:

Adaptive Sports and Active Recreation Resource Guide: Massachusetts for children and youth:

New England Adaptive Sport Organizations:

Recreational opportunities for people of all ages, abilities and skill levels:

Spaulding Rehabilitation Programs: